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Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Blueberry


Organic Glasshouse Blend

Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Blueberry
Roast Degree: Medium – Dark
Process: Washed
Origin: A blend of seasonal organic coffee
Varietal: mixed
Elevation: 1200-2100m

Organic Glasshouse is our original organic blend roasted locally in Kemptown. We select only the best certified organic coffees available to tailor this blend for your drinking enjoyment.  This is a bold coffee, roasted medium-dark making it a great all-rounder that’s not only certifiably organic but tastes amazing too. You can taste this in our own cafes and this is a great all-round coffee with some really interesting flavour notes.




Dose: 18g
Yield: 40g
Time: 24-26 seconds


Coffee: 30g
Water: 500g
Time: 8 minutes
Add your coffee to the cafetiere – Pour Over 500g of boiling water – Wait 4 minutes – Stir the crust on top so the grounds sink to the bottom & scrape off the crema (foam) from the top – Wait 4 minutes – Place your plunger so it is level with the water (do not plunge) and pour.

Pour Over 

Coffee: 18g
Water: 360g
Time: 3 minutes
Put your coffee in your brewer of choice – Pour over 30g of water for a bloom – Wait 30 seconds – Over 1 minute pour 470g of water – Wait for the water to drip through – Enjoy!


Additional information


200g, 1kg


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